Something You Probably Did Not Know…

Ever feel like you are “out of the know” or “the loop”?
Ever walked into a room and felt like you missed what the gathering was about or the message on dress code.
There are so many reasons and circumstances that can make us feel like we are “out of the loop”.
I can remember this one particular day when I was in school that it felt like everyone was looking at me, that everyone knew something that I did not. I found out later what they knew, that I didn’t is that a bird had pooped on my head! To my embarrassment it was my teacher that let me know!.
Now, hopefully you have not had that traumatic experience but if you have in the area of goal setting, as it is still January and there is still time to hop on the wave of a fresh year, I want to let you in a secret. Let me be your teacher of shorts in a safe way.
I want you to know something you probably did not know all successful goal getters do!
When we think about goals sometimes they can be stressful (just like we talked about last week) but they don’t have to be.
I want you to know this coming into January so that you no longer feel anxiety about this question: “have you kept your new year’s resolutions” but you can confidently say I’m on track and not only have I kept them, I’ve overcome them!
You might think that they are some crazy success formula but you may be surprised to find out they are just simple steps. Some of what you know and some which you just need to put into action.
SO here they are.
3 Simple Steps Every Goal Getter knows & does that you might not know yet…
Write it down in detail: yes the who, what, where, when, why, obstacles and what your going to accomplish when you do it! And write it down with pen an paper… this shifts something inside your bran that will trigger you to move forward faster. Whoohoo…here to those fun calendars for 2016 and writing things in them.
Work on it daily: set aside a daily time to work on your goals, i may help to make is even more simple and just pick 1 – 3 things you want to focus on in the new year. Did you know the most successful goal getters on average only work on their desires 8mins day? You never know what you could create in those 10mins you use looking at social media…
Work buddy: Yes, accountability is key and community makes everything more enjoyable! As for support and get someone that will kick you I mean keep you on track. : )
Hopefully those help you shift into the best 2016 you have ever had. Even if you knew a few of them I bet you didn’t know most goal getters have their goals hand written somewhere and look at it constantly. If you did know and your doing it your on your way to being the next big goal getter.
Can’t wait to hear about what you accomplish.
If you’d like to get more hands on practice with this concept and you are in Washington love to have you join us tomorrow for a free lunch and learn on Goal Setting not just getting. RSVP HERE NOW!
Get out their and Get some Goals today…
Can’t wait to see your pen an papers and all you create.
Live life to the fullest,


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