The 3 P’s To Get More Done in Less Time

Is it really the beginning of December already?
This thought blared in my mind yesterday.
How does it feel like it was just last month when I was taking down the tree and cleaning up from the Holidays?
If you too have had similar thoughts then your in the right place.
As you get older time seems to just fly through the years and it seems that everyone is trying to figure out How to get more done – in less time.
Can you really do that?
Yes. A great place to start is from what I like to call the 3P’s.
Weather you were able to join at our live lunch and learn or not I think that these are a great place to start.
So this week here is 3 Simple Steps to Get More Done in Less Time.
1. Priorities: what are your top 3 priorities? Not the ones that are easiest to check off your “to-do” list but the ones that are really going to get you the results that you want?
Here’s a little bonus exercise if you want…take 10 – 15min right now,
with a blank piece of paper and pen then write everything you have to do in your head down… (it’s called a brain dump).
Ok, got it all out there? Now go through and highlight what the most important/top priorities are on your to do list. THIS is where you start with your priorities and prioritizing to get more done in less time.
2. Plan: Each day make a plan! They say that for every minute of planning you get 5 back in results so do not go into anyway with out a prioritized plan (even if that is for christmas shopping!)
Here are some extra tips for planning:
a. Time Block: allow yourself 20 – 60min time blocks to really know and understand your plan. Even if you need to set an alarm on your watch or phone. Give yourself short times to stay focused.
b. Stop Multi-tasking: Yes, really. Studies show that this actually slows down your brain and productivity levels. When you switch from thing to thing you loose time when you transition SO stay focused on one thing and go back up to the time blocking.
3. Prepare: For interruptions. Everyday something is going to come up that you did not put in your “plan”(like a broken car, extra work project, sickness etc.) but if you prepare for those and leave a little space in your plan it will allow you time work out the issue instead of being stressed on how your not working through the rest.
These are three places to start to get more done – in less. If you have any questions about how to specifically put these things into action I would be more than happy to help. If you are in the Seattle tomorrow and you would like to join me for a free Lunch & Learn on this very topic please Click here for more information and to save your spot!
Live Life to the Fullest,
Camille Paterson
P.S. It’s a great time to start looking at How to finish strong in 2015. If you would like to have a free call to see how you could better finish strong schedule today by txting 425.890.8181.


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