A common questions that can run through our brains…

 Do you ever struggle to believe that you are enough?

Or when you wake up and look at your to do list wonder how someone would ever accomplish it and then realized, what, I get to accomplish it. Wait not sure how that will happen….awesome!


I can relate.


Often I wake up and my mind jumps to all the things that I have to get “done”. At that point it can seem overwhelming, somedays exciting, somedays it feels like they chose the wrong person for this job.


So what do we do with all those crazy feelings?


Good question!


I like to think about it from a different perspective. It’s not so much how do we rearrange our schedules to fit in time with  all the things we have to do.  That maybe part of it.  But a huge part of it comes from understanding who you are.  Out of of that space in life you can do anything.


Even if the world seems like it is crashing down, you will not just survive but thrive when you understand that you are…


What do I mean by that?


Here’s 3 Simple Steps to understanding the power that you are…


1. Understand you are Chosen: before you were even formed you were marked and chosen for something greater than yourself.  Picked out prior and chosen as special, unique and talented. Don’t forget that. When you own it the way you walk will change.


2. Understand you are Called: Not only were you chose but you were given a special purpose: your perfect fit as I like to say. It’s easy to when you look at your passions so dive into it today.


3. Understand you are a Collaborator: When you understand that you are chosen and called you can then collaborate with anyone.  Differences don’t exclude you from building what is in your heart with others. You can work with anyone, build anything and BE the person you are meant to be.


Understanding the Power of YOU ARE will change your everyday.


I hope that these simple steps help your see and create your greatness today!


Live Life to the Fullest!



Camille Paterson

Follow me on instagram @camille_Paterson or Facebook camillepaterson.com


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