Is the New Year Bringing the New You?

I hope you are enjoying the first bit of this new year!
So thankful to have you in our community where we learn together to live life to the fullest and all that is in between.
As I sit here, already on the 9th of January I wonder where has 9 days of the new year gone?  Maybe your like me and you spent some time dreaming, writing and planning for what you wanted in the new year. Or maybe you didn’t find the time quite just yet.  Either way I think we all can get stuck in the same old space with new dreams, resolutions, goals whatever you want to call them before us and miss the shift that needs to happen within us to see them actually come to pass.
So how do we shift into that new you for the new year?
Here’s: 3 Simple Steps to Shift into the New You in the New Year
1. Set your intention:  It’s that simple. This is different than just setting a goal but putting out what you want to have happen and making it clear to yourself first and then anyone preferably everyone around you.  Sometimes we make goals about things we think we can do or maybe want to have happen. You shift when you make clear what you really want no matter how out there it is. Let yourself see it, believe it and be in it.
2. Secure your accountability: we all need it.  Even after you have set your intention as clearly as possible we need that person in our life that will come along side us, believe with us and in us and kick your behind into gear when you need it.  Who is that person in your life that will really support you and how can you clearly communicate the support that you need for this new you and new year?  Be specific not general, gracious and honest when you talk with them.  If you cannot think of anyone, let talk.
3. Start: Yes, starting towards something you really desire can often be the hardest part.  They say it is easier to redirect a person moving 100mph the wrong way than to start a stopped person in the right direction.  So what is that one thing you can do today to help you on your way?  Figure that out and then tell the person that is keeping you accountable.
Hope these 3 simple steps get you going in the right direction.
If you would like to discuss more specific support into shifting into the new you please email me for a free consultation.
And If you are in the Seattle area this weekend I’d like to invite you to a FREE workshop on just this topic for the new year.  Pure Barre Green lake and I are partnering this Sunday at 2pm on Holistic Goal Setting.  Basically the new you in the new year and how to shift that even more. 
Would love to have you join. Just let me know or RSVP at
Stay tuned for more exciting specials and workshops as we re-start the Simple Steps Blog for the new year!

Enjoy practicing the New You this New Year!
Live life to the fullest in 2015,
Camille Paterson
On Instagram @passionpurposeperfectfit


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